Newsletter – 2023 February

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Celebrating 15 years of serving the community! 

Happy Valentines! potato heartapple heart

We ended the 2022 season with 60,600 lbs of fresh produce for our community! This total equates to more than 174,000 individual servings of food…nutritious food that would otherwise have gone to waste.
NAW  2

Nonprofit Association of Washington: We attended a presentation with the Nonprofit Association of Washington hosted by CBNA this past month! They are advocates for nonprofits across our state. Many local nonprofits gathered to learn about more ways our sector can be heard within our state. Nonprofits employ 7% of the workforce in Washington state yet the funding alocated to this sector is well below average when compared to other sectors. In addition, our volunteer labor was valued at 4 billion dollars in 2022. Sshocking and in a way, frightening. Nonprofits are doing the good work, in which our government relies on incredibly. We constantly search for volunteers and donations from our community, yet are far from fully funded by our government. This is why the Nonprofit Association of Washington hopes to make waves in legislation in favor of our sector. On February 23rd in Olympia, WA, there is a Nonprofit Legislative Reception where our voice matters. Sign up to attend the reception here. View the full 2022 Nonprofit Economic Impact Report. 

Board Member Opportunities: We still have board member positions open and looking for leaders to step in. If God is calling you to be the change this is an amazing way to make a difference in our community! If you are interested send an email to  

New Community Resource: Restoration Community Impact joinedRestoration Community Impact 2 the food security mission this past month. Located on Clearwater Ave. in Kennewick, it is a market style food bank with equal access to all foods. We are blessed this organization had a vision to add such an amazing resource to our community. Check out their website, folks can sign up for an appointment at the market, or walk-in on Saturdays. 

Prayer Requests: If you or anyone is in need of a team of warriors to pray, send us an email. We have an amazing prayer team and a prayer letter that this team recieves each month. 

Donations Needed: Fields of Grace is in constant need of donations to continue with operations, expand our reach, and support our volunteers. Tax-deductible donations may be made directly to Fields of Grace online or mailed to P.O. Box 1766, Richland, WA. 99352. Let’s keep this ministry going strong in 2023!



Connect with Us

Phone: (509) 537-6442
Mail: PO Box 1766, Richland WA, 99352


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