Newsletter – 2023 January

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Celebrating 15 years of serving the community! 


Happy New Year!

Kicking Off 2023: Thank you again to everyone who contributed to a successful 2022 gleaning season — those who were able to glean, those who offered crops to glean and those who supported us financially. We ended the season with 60,600 lbs of fresh produce for our community! This total equates to more than 174,000 individual servings of food…nutritious food that would otherwise have gone to waste.
farmers market image
We also want to thank everyone who made year end donations to the organization. Every donation helps us to continue to operate throughout the year. You help us to keep our volunteers, farmers, vehicles, and board members safe. You help to keep a storage location for our gleaning materials and our trailers on the road. Most of all, you help us to get fresh food to those in need, and save food from going to waste! 

Alternative Gift Fair: The Community Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasco, held their first in person alternative gift fair in two years while still holding online donation opportunities. Fields of Grace, along with many other non-profit organizations gathered to give presentations and talk about their missions.FOG Alt GF 3 Those who donated to the organizations that were present, raised over $16,000.00 in total! We thank all who participated in this amazing gift giving fair! A huge success for all! Photo of Karen (advisory member), Ettie (executive director, and Gerry (president), holding down the fort at the alternative gift fair!         

Board Member Opportunities: A few of our board directors will be turning in their hats after over 10 years of service with Fields of Grace. Our beloved President Gerry Berges, and our amazing Secretary Sue Gauglitz will be retiring this year. We ask that if you can, send them a note of thanks for dedicating their hearts to the organization. They have been consistent and steady in their mission to serve and we will cherish everything they have done for us over the years!thank you We ask that if God is speaking to your own heart to step into one of these positions, that you reach out via email to address your interest. We would love to sit down and talk about these positions and what each entails. We ask that you pray with us as we search for our new candidates! Thank you Sue and Gerry you are a blessing to us all! 


Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Martin Luther King Jr. was about ACTION. The most powerful waves of change come through community service. MLK News LetterWe thank God for Martin Luther King Jr. and his everlasting voice in this world. Take action in 2023. Serve your community! If you would like to serve with Fields of Grace click SERVE and fill out the registration form. There are many opportunities, such as prayer team, fresh food donor, gleaners, drivers, and leadership positions!

EVERY PENNY COUNTS  Shopping through Amazon you can support Fields of Grace. Simply shop at or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Fields of Grace. Every penny you help raise, helps feed our community!

Tax-deductible donations may be made directly to Fields of Grace online ( or mailed to P.O. Box 1766, Richland, WA. 99352. Let’s keep this ministry going strong in 2022!



Connect with Us

Phone: (509) 537-6442
Mail: PO Box 1766, Richland WA, 99352


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