Fields of Grace has provided over 6 million individual servings of healthy fruits and vegetables.
Pounds of produce harvested
Servings of fresh produce provided

2024 Spring

2022 In Review
Thank you to everyone who contributed to a successful 2022 gleaning season — those who were able to glean, those who offered crops to glean and those who supported us financially. We ended the season with 60,600 lbs of fresh produce for our community! This total equates to more than 174,000 individual servings of food…nutritious food that would otherwise have gone to waste.
The produce was shared with…

Volunteers Count: Dynamic duo helps feed those in need by harvesting produce with Fields of Grace
KAPP-KVEW Local News and STCU have teamed up to highlight those in our community who are making our world a better place. This month’s Volunteers Count winners are a dynamic duo from Fields of Grace, Rob Koenig and Larry Elliott. They both have been volunteering since the nonprofit began.
STCU surprised Koenig and Elliott with a $1,000 donation to the organization in their name in honor of their commitment to those in need.
“Your story rose to the top…

2021 In Review
We ended the season with 103,624 lbs of fresh produce for our community! (compared to 31,563 lbs in 2020!) This total equates to more than 300,000 individual servings of food…nutritious food that would otherwise have gone to waste.
The produce was shared with…