What is Gleaning?
Gleaning is the ancient religious practice where farmers left crops on the vine after harvest to share with neighbors in need.
Today, we glean crops that might otherwise go to waste. The harvest is transported to local food banks to increase the access to fresh food for those in need.
Leviticus 19:9-10
When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the Lord your God. (NIV)
Farmers and residents contact Fields of Grace about picking crops that might otherwise go to waste.
A Fields of Grace volunteer schedules an appointment to inspect the crop and coordinate the gleaning event.
Fields of Grace volunteers come trained and prepared with tools and equipment to harvest crops.
Volunteers transport the crops to a local food bank. Farmers receive a receipt for tax-benefits.
Local Food Banks properly store the crop donations and prepare the food for distribution.
Each week local Food Banks in the Columbia Basin distribute fresh food and non-perishable items to thousands of individuals in need.

Meet Our Donors!
Area Farmers
Fields of Grace extends a grateful heart to our area farmers. We have worked with so many over a 15-year period and most are still operating.
In 2023 we partnered with Walchli Farms, Hermiston Melon Co, Bautista Farms, Ridgeline Farms, GEM Orchards, Applegate Orchards, Alveraz Organic Farms, Hatch Patch, Flatau Farm, Buggirls Garden, WSU Research Plots, Pasco Farmers Market, and Richland Farmers Market.
In 2024 we partnered with Schreiber’s Farms, Hatch Patch, Applegate Blueberry U Pick, Job’s Nursery, Richland Farmer’s Market, Pasco Farmer’s Market, Gem Orchards, Taggares Fruit Co LLC, WSU Tri Cities AG Research Plots, Bautista Farms, Alvarez Organic Farms, Albertin’s Orchards, Hermiston Watermelon Co Walchli Farms, Fresh Picks, and Plateau Farms.
Local Residents
Residents of Richland, Kennewick, Pasco, Benton City, and Finley/Burbank are generous with their fruit baring trees.
These smaller donations from residents will typically be transported to pantries unable to store large amount of produce but who don’t receive fresh food donations often.
Ministry Partners
Our current ministry partners are Central United Protestant and West Highlands Methodist Church. We thank them for their continuous support as they create a large part of our financial foundation.
Individual Donations
Nearly half of our funding is provided by individuals in our community. We thank each of you for seeing the importance of our mission to those in need as well as the benefits to our environment.

ALM Farming