Winter Gleaners
We are getting the much needed physical rest this winter but we keep spreading the word of this dedicated organization. This comes in the form of fellowship lunches, meetings with our mission partners, fundraising, and fundraiser planning, market meetings, and networking!
New Board Members
We welcomed two new board members this winter. Norm Rohrig a long time core volunteer, was voted on as our new Treasurer and it couldn’t be a better fit! We also voted Benson Behen as a Director onto our Board. Although one of the youngest board members to date, Benson is a great addition to our team! We would love a few new faces and minds to join our board, if you are interested please reach out to
Norm Rohrig – Treasurer

Benson Behen- Director

- Eat for Funds at the Leslie Rd. Round Table Pizza- March 17th from 4pm-8pm – Purchase a meal and 20% will go directly towards our mission to reduce food waste and provide fresh local food to those in need!
- Rib Dinner Fundraiser will take place on June 7th, 2025 this has changed from Father’s Day to an earlier date!
New Gleaning Database
We received a grant from 3 Rivers Community Foundation to fund a new database for volunteering and tracking gleans. Check out the demo by creating an account and browsing through the link below.
2025 Gleaning Season Sponsors
We are still looking for more businesses to join our 2025 gleaning season sponsors. This is a great way to invest in the amazing services we provide to the community! Please reach out for sponsor info!
3 Ways to Donate
By Check Via Mail to: PO Box 1766 Richland, Wa 99352
On our Website: CLICK HERE
Online Via Square Donation: CLICK HERE
2024 Produce Donors
Schreiber’s Farms,
Hatch Patch,
Applegate Blueberry U Pick,
Job’s Nursery,
Richland Farmer’s Market,
Pasco Farmer’s Market,
Gem Orchards, Taggares Fruit Co LLC, WSU Tri Cities AG Research Plots,
Bautista Farms,
Alvarez Organic Farms, Albertin’s Orchards,
Hermiston Watermelon Co Walchli Farms,
Fresh Picks, Platuea Farms, and many residents of Pasco, Richland, Kennewick, and Benton City.
If you or someone you know could benefit from basic food resrouces such as SNAP/EBT please visit Help Me Grow.
Questions: (509) 537-6442
Leviticus 19:9-10. 9 When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10 You shall not strip your vineyard bare or gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the alien: I am the Lord your God.