We ended the 2022 season with 60,600 lbs of fresh produce for our community! This total equates to more than 174,000 individual servings of food…nutritious food that would otherwise have gone to waste.

Spring is Here!: If you are looking to get outside and learn about agriculture this summer then be on the lookout for our gleaning emails! Tell your friends and family to visit our website and fill out the contact form so they can be informed as well! Head out to the field with us and learn, give back to our community, and enjoy our AG rich region! We are also in need of volunteer drivers to transport our harvest to our local Food Banks. If you are looking for in town volunteerism, we are searching for Farmer’s Market pick up volunteers, to receive donations from market vendors, and deliver them to our local food banks! If you are interested in these specific volunteer jobs, email admin@fields-of-grace.com.
Upcoming Events: The Benton-Franklin Master Gardener yearly plant sale will take place May 12-13th at 166 S Union St. in Kennewick we will have a table set up where you can begin purshasing a Father’s Day Rib Dinner for our upcoming fundraiser! May 30th we will be hosting a volunteer orientation for anyone who needs a little more information before heading out to the farms! June 17th, our annual Father’s Day Rib Dinner Fundraiser will take place. Be on the lookout for the opening day to pre order your rib dinner, feeds 4!! This year Beck’s Family BBQ will be preparing the meat in their commercial smoker at Ranch and Home, while Adam Lamberd from 94.9 The Wolf helps out and broadcasts the event. We will be raffling off 2 free meals along with Fields of Grace gear and other prizes at Ranch and Home on the 17th of June! GET READY TO HELP SUPPORT OUR CAUSE WITH GOOD FOOD!!!
Farms to Support this Summer: We are so lucky to live in an area surrounded by farmers! This means we have access to amazing local products! It is so fun to head out with friends and family to pick your own fresh fruit! Here are a list of farms and markets to check out this summer: Ray French Orchard, Middleton Farms, Schreiber’s Farms, Hatch Patch, Applegate Blueberry U Pick, The Villa Family Farm, Job’s Nursery, Blue Mountain Lavender Farm, Sunny Hill Market, Local Pumpkin, Richland Farmer’s Market, Pasco Farmer’s Market, Kennewick Farmer’s Market.
Board Member Opportunities: We still have board member positions open and looking for leaders to step in. If God is calling you to be the change, this is an amazing way to make a difference in our community! This is a low commitment opportunity, that can create such a fun and positive aspect to life! If you are interested, send an email to admin@fields-of-grace.com.
Prayer Requests: If you or anyone is in need of a prayer team, send us an email. We send out an email with requests almost monthly!
Donations Needed: Fields of Grace is in constant need of donations to continue with operations, expand our reach, and support our volunteers. Tax-deductible donations may be made directly to Fields of Grace online or mailed to P.O. Box 1766, Richland, WA. 99352. Let’s keep this ministry going strong in 2023!
Questions: admin@fields-of-grace.com