Thank you for your commitment to pray for Fields of Grace.
We know the best way to stay in touch with God’s purpose and plan for this ministry is through prayer. We appreciate and need your continued prayers. Please join us in prayer this month with the following praises and petitions:
Fields of Grace update:
Prayers for the search for the next Fields of Grace Executive Director. (Lisa’s husband has been appointed Pastor to a church in Selah, WA., so they are relocating.)
Prayers for local orchadists experiencing lower crop yields this year due to weather.
Prayers of thanksgiving for those who are stepping up to lead gleanings this season (Rob Koenig & Cheri Baker). More gleaning leaders are needed!
Prayers for the generosity of churches providing ongoing financial support for this ministry such as West Highlands United Methodist Church, Kennewick.
Prayers of gratitude for the dedicated volunteers who glean produce.
In addition, please join us in prayer for:
Board Member Megan Lerchen’s husband recovering from surgery.
Volunteer Mary Shoop returning home to continue recovery from sugery.
Our agency partners, such as My Friend’s Place and its volunteers as they provide for homeless teenagers in our community.
All those in our community facing food insecurity and difficulties dealing with the high summer temperatures. They are the reason we serve through this ministry.
Lord, In your mercy, hear our prayers.
We appreciate and covet your prayers. May God continue to bless you and your families. As you become aware of additional prayer concerns, let us know.
Lisa Williams, Executive Director
Larry Elliott, Spritual Advisor
God’s Word
Offers Hope
“Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you.”