Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is gleaning?
Good question! Gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers’ fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest. Most of the wonderful produce we harvest would otherwise go to waste. Instead it is distributed to families in need right here in our own community. Read more about gleaning
Can kids participate?
They sure can! We just ask that an adult accompany them. Also, please no climbing trees – that means adults too!
When do gleaning events happen?
Gleaning ramps up in June with LOTS of sweet cherries. We continue harvesting a variety of great crops through early November. We harvest at commercial farms on Saturday mornings, residential sites are usually scheduled for weekday mornings. Check out gleaning events
What types of produce do you harvest?
Most everything grown in our area! We’ve harvested everything from green beans to gala apples. Common crops include cherries, apricots, apples, and peaches.
How do I find out about gleaning events?
We post our events on our website and Facebook page (a good reason to follow us) You can also sign up to receive our email notifications. Check out gleaning events
What about ladders?
Good news! Most of our harvesting is done from ground level. On occasions where ladders are needed, Fields of Grace will supply them. Usage is optional, though. Note – you must be 16 years or older to use a ladder.
So how do I volunteer?
It’s easy! Print and complete our volunteer form and liability waiver and bring it to one of our events. You’ll get on-site training before gleaning. Become a volunteer
I have produce to donate! Who do I contact?
Awesome! If you are a commercial farmer, please contact our Executive Director, or at (541) 510-9005. If you are a resident that has fruit trees or excess produce, please contact our Residential Coordinator,
Are financial donations tax-deductible?
Yep! Fields of Grace has 501-c-3 status with the IRS which means your contribution counts as a charitable donation.
About Fields Of Grace
Fields of Grace was established in April 2006 as a ministry at West Side Church in Richland, WA. The program began when Second Harvest voiced a need for fresh produce for area food banks and area farmers wanted to donate a portion of their crops, but lacked the resources to pick the additional produce. Fields of Grace was created to provide the hands of service that pick the fruits and vegetables for residents in need. After reading a newspaper article about the effort, a local farmer, Gary Middleton, agreed to be the liaison between Fields of Grace and the area’s farming community.
A training program was developed to teach volunteers proper gleaning etiquette. Gary Middleton was instrumental in providing gleaning “do’s and don’ts”. All volunteers must go through a training program and sign a liability waiver before they can participate in a gleaning activity.
Since its inception, the ministry has trained over 1,000 volunteers who have logged over 22,000 hours of service to harvest over 2.8 million pounds of produce. This produce has included apples, sweet corn, carrots, sweet cherries, apricots, plums, grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, and more.